Lava Homes

Integrative Healing Retreat


Learning how to revitalize your body through the right diet and natural medicine, opening up to a more authentic movement and expression with dance and shamanic exercises, having an emotional detox with breathwork and developing compassion, and creating a positive mindset understanding mind, and emotions. 

All of this is fully guided by the wisdom of modern psychology and ancient spiritual technology. We will be practicing self-healing, massage, guided meditations for awakening, and traditional Yoga, all of this in an inspired sequence of joyful experiences. Join us in this journey to discover a better version of yourself at one of the most beautiful spots in the world, a jewel in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

We invite you to rediscover your own innate power for perfect health, happiness and strength with this unique yoga retreat.

You will be able to experience...

In this 5 days you will have an invitation to commune with nature in one of the most powerful environments considered by National Geographic as a hidden jewel of the world. 

Join us for this experience to reconnect yourself with the ancient tools of Yoga, and modern neuroscience.


During this week we will have a gradual immersion in the yoga practice as a technology to awaken a huge potential within you for self-healing, higher expressions of joy in your life as a vehicle to build up more and more confidence.


Retreat Price: EARLY BIRD - Bookings are done 30 days before the retreat starts.


SeaView / Garden View , Living Room Full sea View

1.207€ Total *

SeaView / Garden View , Living Room Full sea View

1.020€ Total *

* Price per person, Retreat, Accomodation, Meals and Transfers, all included

Retreat Price: Bookings done within last 30 days before Retreat starts


SeaView / Garden View , Living Room Full sea View

1.610€ Total *

SeaView / Garden View , Living Room Full sea View

1.360€ Total *

* Price per Person, Retreat, Accomodation, Meals and Transfers, all included

Meals: Nourish Yourself

All meals will be brought to you by Restaurant Magma's team and is included in the price.

Our food food aim is to nourish and ignite vitality, perceiving nutrition holistically, as everything you intake and considering different latitudes of food.

Mostly plant-based, although, with no fundamentalisms, eco-friendly and sustainable, respecting zero waste philosophy, concentrating on local, seasonal, and fresh products.


Aday García Anahat (from Canarias, Spain)

Director of YogaEnTenerife healing retreats and Master in Clinical Psychology, Aday has been for the last 7 years organizing monthly healing journeys of a week duration using yoga, meditation and personal transformation through spiritual wisdom. 

He has studied Siddha and Sanjevani healing with the father of Indian Healing, Dr. Avdoot Baba Shivanand in India, London, and South Africa. Leaded Ayurvedic detox retreats, studied with Tibetan Lamas, practiced Bioenergetic Gestalt analysis and therapy, cooperate through ancient medicine with shamans from Peru, Mexico, Russia or Greece to heal from the physical, mental, emotional and causal bodies. 

Such a vast curriculum and life journey can be only experienced through natural and spontaneous connection in a joyful presence.

Victor Angel Marín (from Cadiz, Spain)

Born in Arcos de la Frontera, a beautiful white village in the Sierra de Cádiz, Víctor Ángel has been dedicated to Natural Therapies for more than a decade.

After having lost his parents at a very young age, Víctor has deeply experienced the need to integrate the emotional traces that his story left in his body. The urgent need for answers to the great existential querries in search for meaning took him to the manual listening of the body as a gateway to the deeper intelligence and the Heart.

Lover of Yoga, meditation and practitioner of Brazilian Jiujitsu.

Osteopath for Natura Help Tenerife 2014

Certified CranioSacral Therapist Instituto Upledger Spain 2013

Visceral Manipulation, Jean Pierre Barral Institute Spain, 2017

Trained in Biogestalt Therapy by the AETB, Tenerife: Lowen's Bioenergetics, Gurdieff's Fourth Way, Enneagram, Gestalt 2014

Trained in French Gestalt by the Center Gestalt Valencia 2019

Trained in Bioenergetic Listening by Centro Cora Granada 2014

Going from the physical to the emotional and energetic. "being" with the patient instead of "doing", led Víctor to find a method of manual work where the healing power is expressed from kindness and awareness to the global self.

Ricardo Marquez (from Canarias, Spain)

Psychologist, Hypnotherapist and Facilitator. Teaching the path to authenticity ​​and the achievement of inner freedom. Experienced as a psychotherapist, teacher and team coach shares a holistic approach to guide you into a truth and higher version of yourself.

In addition to training in clinical and health psychology, last generation therapies, analytical hypnotherapy and emotional inteligence coaching, his own path of discovery has led him to study and practice Mindfulness, Tantric Philosophy, Authentic relating, Coaching, and Emotional Intelligence as well as other aspects related to personal and social development.

Having extensive experience teaching and training to different professional and personal groups, as well as facilitating experiences, workshops and retreats related to personal well-being, stress release, tantra and authentic relationships.

He is also the co-founder of Shine Bienestar and the Facilitation School For Therapeutic Work, both projects dedicated to supporting people to awaken to their true essence and potential through experiences, individual sessions and workshops.

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